Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Christian trinkets

The link above is to a company that sales different audio and video devices to churches and a specific product that made me laugh. The link goes to a MP3 player shaped like a cross "Show your faith while listening to music or messages!"

This makes me laugh because I am not sure wearing a cross shows one's faith or any merchandise shows one is saved. I get blown away by all the junk one can buy in a "Christian" book shop.
- TestaMINTS
- book markers
- Ties with prayer of Jabez
- any new book's collection - currently 3:16 - book, tapes, t-shirts, coffee mugs, knails, etc.
- Your Life Now board game
- I love the action figures of bible characters - almost twice the cost of spawn characters but that is a different issue.

There is nothing "chrsitian" about the market of selling junk but we christians eat it up. Did you know that the music market called "Christian" takes up 20%. That is why one sees GMC and others sponsoring Christian artist. Also why Sony, and other big name companies have purchased smaller production companies, because of $$ not so much doing service to God. As a believer I do appreciate quality music but I laugh at how people think merchandise will show this world your faith.

This world is tired of gimmicks, prizes, trinkets... a cross shaped mp3 players does not demonstrate your faith anymore than a fish on the back of ones car. What demonstrates faith is actually caring for people, share the Gospel in a positive light, loving those around you, have joy in times of desperation. Being the light amongst this dark world and loving others.

I can not wait for the day when the Church reclaims cultural stuff instead of following the lead of the secular world. The one who created all colors, music, everything good is our Dad, can we not take back what the fallen world has taken from us for His glory. Being cheesy is not the answer but being authentic. Weeping with people, actually allowing people in a local body know that you are a fallen being in need of a Savior and the power of the Holy Spirit to grow daily.

Please before you buy the next coffee mug, or t-shirt that says "BeWiser" instead of Budwiser, or God's Gym vs. Gold's Gym. Let us live a life that does not take Christian designed trinkets to demonstrate our faith.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Secular World Has it Figured Out

I keep watching media and i am amazed how the secular world has some Biblical concepts down but the people in the church seem to be missing it.

The two major areas community and missional living. I understand that Missional living can not be lived with out the power of Christ behind it but the act of service for the benefit of others is there. I was watching a commercial the other night and it had children talking about who heroes were and basically how they want to volunteer to help others. Here is a commercial telling people to live the way those who call themselves Christians should be living. The goal of the Christian life is not just do church events but to actually live a life out that is reflective of Christ. This means we actually have to love peoples and do life with them. I know that in our hectic world it is difficult to do so because once we come home from work all we want to do is watch the DVR and go to bed. The bottom line is thought during the day we must find a way to do life together that will make an eternal impact for the Kingdom of God. Christ did this, he lived a life that was missional in his culture. He Engaged people where they were so that God's name could be made great. The question I have is why don't most Christians want to participate in a true community of believers. How come organizations like the Masons & Shriners have men serving the pubic but the church have week men? Why is it that we can not have fun and serve Christ together so that Salvation is more than heaven but a lifestyle desired by others?

The other part the secular world seems to have down is the idea that we are not in this world alone and to have a since of community. In the church I have found it difficult to get people to stay faithful to a small group or organization but for some odd reason outside of church there are a ton of small groups that are flourishing. The reality is that people will sacrifice time with a community of believers to be with any other small group. I believe that Christians should be involved in secular society and engage the culture where they are but community within a body of believers is huge. No where is scripture is this Christian walk a one man show but instead a body, a collective, etc. I still get amazed how we try to put up mask on how holy we are instead of showing how broken we are. The local church is not perfect but made up of dead people who have been born again. Over time it seems those who have been made alive in Christ forget that others are dead and need the life of Christ. Once saved we have a process of sanctification where we work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We cheer on Sundays how people need to be involved but once trouble arises people disappear from the local body. How I pray that we the local church will wake up to the point that the reason many people have not darken the door of the church is not because they don't know about you, but are we able to show how Christ of old fits in todays culture. The great thing about Christ is that He is timeless, meaning the truth of scripture can be applied to all generations.

The answer is not another program, rally, or event, but instead for us to be starving for the Glory of God to be demonstrated through us to the point we ache over it. Like the profit of old, even if you try to shut us up our bones should burn with the desire to share. Not to have heart burn but do you bones burn for the glory and truth of Christ. Is your whole life demonstrating a relationship with the King of Kings who came to walk this world and live a life that is missional for your sake. Would you be found in a court of law because of witnesses that you are a Christian?

Let God get His glory out of your life today!

comment if you wish.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just some thoughts

I have not blogged in quite sometime and thought I would just do some typing of some thoughts that have come to mind lately.

First I am so thankful I serve a God that is everywhere all the time. I am sitting in a coffee shop and I got up to refill my coffee and when i came back God prompted a woman in the store to bless me with a gift. I am so amazed and thankful for God.

For the past 5 days I have been seeking after the will of God and what he desires in all the ministries I am involved in. As a fallen vessel i know that it is difficult to be in His will all the time and all i want to do is be used by Him to get His glory. During this searching I have come to the point of compassion for the church bodies that seem to be missing out on the agenda of God for their own agenda. Some might say I am judging with a plank in my eye but the reality is our staff already knows we fail in some ways doing this thing called church. As a staff we know that God's hand is on the institution of church and we have to do our best to be humble before Him and open with each other so God's agenda is accomplished and not man's. We stress about #'s sometimes but the reality is we are not going to sell out on what the Gospel is for the tickling of man's ears. I am so thankful for that. I have watched services this past week and i am amazed why people would even be there. While watching I was about to throw up with bad theology being sung, no life in service and it just seems to be going through the motions. I do not know how people can come together as a cooperate body and not be excited that God has called them from death to life. THANK ABOUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE CALLED UPON JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR. God saved you a nasty, depraved person, FOR HIS GLORY... IF THAT DOES NOT GET YOU TO BE EXCITED ABOUT GOD I AM NOT SURE YOU ARE SAVED! Some might say that is strong language but Jesus is not an add on, HE IS THE END. JESUS IS WHAT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT NOT A STEPPING STONE TO SOMETHING BETTER.

If you realize that Jesus gets you something, but Jesus is everything then there is such freedom in that. That means you don't lose Him or He does not lose you. That means that it is not a bunch of rules and check list but an authentic relationship that is always growing. This means that things religious people call evil are not evil in themselves unless scripture clearly says so. For example witch craft = evil, Sexual immorality = evil, making other things objects of worship = evil.

I get amazed how so many people do not want to grow in their maturity of Christ so they are no longer that weaker brother mentioned in 1 Cor. So many people look at meats from idols and give them power instead of realizing that they are not evil. I laugh at how many people consider the internet as evil, instead of a tool. I realize that if you are reading this you don't see that the internet is evil but maybe you are doing this in secret which means you are not being honest so now you are participating in something wrong because you are bearing false witness to somebody.

Bottom line, the lost world is not in the 4 walls of the church - they are out in the streets, coffee houses, movie theaters, on the internet, and you neighbor. The question is how are you being like Christ in Luke 7:34 or are you being the brood of vipers Christ called out.

If you have a comment rock on and leave them.