Friday, August 10, 2007


Today was day 2 of Frontliners and it was rather interesting. Typically day 2 has the Frontliners going to church with the host family like it is any regular Sunday. So that is what I did and it was a good morning. I observed some cool things in the youth building and their technology. I saw the Sanctus study before worship and after their worship. Had a good lunch with my host family, then took a nap.

Tonight we had a blitz party and a small rally. I have to say I am very proud of the sanctus students because they did such a great job handing out fliers for the activities for Frontliners. I am also thankful that I am starting to understand their personalities and can visit with them about topics besides The Sanctuary Fellowship but actually get to know what makes them tic. I do have to say that Blake made me proud by watching his approach in handing out fliers, I was impressed. This does not negate the great work the rest of the group did, I mean John stepped out of his comfort zone by handing out fliers. The group as a whole is doing great.

I do have confess that God illuminated some things to me that has caused me to say thank you and that I am blessed. First I have a great family and I miss having my girls around. Second I am humbled to be associated with Thomas and The Sanctuary Fellowship. The idea that God had this all planned out amazes me and I am excited to see what we are going to do as a church. I do not understand why anybody in the Richmond, Rosenberg, Sugar Land area would want to go to any other church besides ours. Third I am so blessed to have had such a great group of young adults in ft. worth. If you are a student from my youth group from ft. worth please realize I am blessed to have you in my life and the time we have shared together but over the past week i have missed 8:15. I see in my mind the great things God did during our time together and I do not apologize for inviting every one of my 8:15ers to transfer jobs and come down here, that includes you James. I love doing young adult ministry, tonight I spent the evening talking to my host home's college age daughter just about life. In side I was weeping from my sweet memories of my time I had with the 8:15ers. I am so humble that God allows me to be apart of people's lives, I am not worthy to do such a thing but He equips me to do so. This week should be fun at frontliners and I should have some good stories to share, please stay tuned.

To my sanctus studnets reading this I am praying for you this morning and hoping that you will live a life in the overflow. John 2 - wine jars - let His glory spill out because you get so full of his word and love.

To my Ground Zero students who may be reading this, I love you guys, hold on to the cross of Christ, I pray for you daily and want to hear what God is doing in your lives.

To my 8:15ers, know that our time we shared is some of my most blessed memories. I would love to have each and every one of you to do a road trip to visit The Sanctuary Fellowship and decided to stay to help us grow a church. I am so thankful to be on a church staff that believes in the Sovereignty of God, freedom to worship, and has an authentic out look with people. Know that you are missed and I desire for God to use you in miraculous ways where ever He has you to be missional.

To anybody else who maybe reading this. I am not ashamed that I am a screwed up, flawed person who is in need of a savior. I believe that works all things for His Glory and that we as humans get to participate in this great story of God. I hope and pray that people will see the freedom in realizing God is in complete control and there is not much one can "choose" do to about it. Along with that, my prayer is that people will taste true freedom and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ and not by any man made traditional set of rules.

Have a blessed day and I look forward to hearing comments.

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